Colorful mould proof sealant

2021-04-22 626

Product characteristics

♦ This product has good adhesion and anti-seepage and anti cracking flexibility, which improves the overall waterproof performance of the decorative panel, and is suitable for filling joints of ceramic tile, stone and other decorative materials.

♦ Various colors make the decorative effect of decorative panel more perfect.

♦ It has mould proof function, which makes the surface clean and sanitary.

♦ It can reduce the phenomenon of reverse slurry, hanging tears and other pollution of facing brick.

Product application

1. Do not use acid cleaner to clean the filled tiles.

2. It is not allowed to construct in the rain.

3. The gap width shall not be less than 1 mm.

4. This product is suitable for use at 5 ℃ - 40 ℃.

5. It is suggested to add multi-functional adhesive primer with super resistant coating or wide joint sealant with super resistant coating in the gap that may cause large expansion.

The common type is suitable for 1-5mm seam width. The wide seam type is suitable for 6-12mm seam width.