What is the difference between Matt and glossy in Jiangmen waterborne paint

2021-04-22 953

Jiangmen water-based paint is more and more popular in the market. We all know that water-based paint can be divided into matte paint and glossy paint. Their differences are mainly reflected in the visual effect and appearance persistence. Different customers like different gloss effects and can choose by themselves.

What is the difference between matte and glossy in the action of waterborne paint?

On the visual function:

Matte paint is soft and introverted, more grade, and large area use no light pollution.

Glossy paint is bright and more beautiful


However, there may be light pollution in large areas.

Appearance persistence:

Matte paint appearance easy to adhere to, by indoor and outdoor environment, conflict, scratches, etc., called small.

The appearance of glossy paint is not easy to adhere to, it is easy to lose light and fade in the field, often leaving scratches and poor hand feeling.

In terms of price:

Matte paint is generally higher than ordinary gloss paint. High brightness and high hardness finish is higher than ordinary waterborne paint. Bright, high hardness, field adhere to good performance of waterborne paint, the price is very expensive.

Source: Jiangmen waterborne paint http://www.annpu.com

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