Water based rub

2021-04-22 651

Recommended products

Product nameScope of application
Color fixing solutionWater based color fixing solutionUse with series of colorants
Glaze Water character LizAll kinds of solid wood, veneer board
Transparent bottomWaterborne transparent primerAll kinds of solid wood, veneer board
Edge sealing paintWater based edge sealing paintVarious medium density boards
TopcoatWater borne transparent topcoatFurniture of various boards
Wipe Tu BaoWater based rubAll kinds of solid wood

Product characteristics

♦ Easy construction and no blooming

♦ The color is full and bright

♦ Highlight the beauty of wood grain

♦ Increase the added value of wood

Product application

1. It can be applied directly on the second primer or on the top coat.

2. Spray coating, roller coating or brush coating shall be applied directly on the dry paint film surface, and after 5 minutes, it can be wiped off with a clean wet towel or cotton cloth.

3. If the surface color is not uniform, the secondary construction repair can be carried out.

4. Spray the primer once, polish the primer, spray the primer or finish coat once, and brush the brush sebao. After drying for 5 to 10 minutes, wipe off the excess paint with wet cotton cloth; brush the transparent finish paint after 2 hours.